Tuesday, November 11, 2008


The future plans require that the full development of hydropower must be achieved within two decades. To realize this objective, 1000MW of installed capacity must be added every year for the next 20 years.

In 1954, DSI was established.

From the initial production of 2.8 TWh in 1960, hydroenergy increases to 125 TWh. It represents %10 growth annually throughout 40 year period. Between 1963-2001, DSI spent US$14,000,000,000 on hydropower development.

The operation of hydroplants was handed over to TEK. Then it was divided into TEAS(generation and transmission) and TEDAS(distribution). In 2001, TEAS was seperated into TEUAS(operation), TEIAS(transmission), TETAS(sales, purchase). EPDH responsible for measures for a liberation.

The hydroplants with an installed capacity greater than 500MW,
Atatürk 2400MW
Karakaya 1800MW
Keban 1330MW
Ilısu 1200MW
Altınkaya 700MW
Birecik 672MW
Deriner 670MW
Oymapınar 540MW
Yusufeli 540MW
Berke 510MW
H.Uğurlu 500MW

Ilısu, Deriner and Yusufeli are not yet in operation. Almost %70 is generated by these 8 existing hydroplants. Four of the are on the Euphrates river (Dicle : Keban-Karakaya-Atatürk-Birecik-Karkamış)

A total of 34 projects with 3384 MW are under construction. With them, Turkey will have reached %44 of potential. Some of them under construction are :
Deriner 670MW
Obruk 203MW
Borçka 300MW
Kiğı 140MW
Alparslan-I 160MW
Akköprü 115MW
Torul 103MW
Muratlı 115MW
Uluabat-Çınarcık 120MW

Future projects within the next 20-30 years, will be implemented as turnkey projects on a full financing basis, through bilateral cooperation aggrements.

Plan requires the the installed hydrocapacity should increase to 22380MW in 2010 and to 31468MW in 2020. This require the addition to the system of 1000MW annually over a period of 20 years, with a view of developing all the economic potential by the year of 2023 which is the 100th annivrsary of foundation of the Turkish Republic.

Recently, a consortium withdrew from negotiations for the Ilısu Dam on Tigris. Main concern were resettlement of people and cultural heritage of Hasankeyf.

Environmental law in 1983 protects the environment by applying the polluter pays principle.

Actual water consumption in Turkey as of 2000 reached 89.3 km3 which is only %36 of economically exploitable water potential, %75 for irrigation, %15 for domestic use, %10 for industrial.

Productivity of hydroelectric energy is 0.009 $/kWh. Thus, the contribution is 3.96 billion $/yr. %60 of this economic value is accepted as the gross value added, the contribution to the GVA amounts to 2.38 billion $/yr.

1 kWh is taken as 0.05$, Keban and Atatürk Dan covered its cost in seven years.

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